
ROIAL Improv returns to this year’s 10th Annual Improv Fest and are joined by new-comers Fun Dumpster. Session 1 takes place Friday Otober 19th at 5:30p and session passes are only $20. Get yours now and get to know the teams below!


Roial Improv

Roial Improv is Michigan State University’s #1 and (until recently) only improv team, composed of above average looking goofs who love to have a good time. Student run and staffed with non-theatre majors, Roial sticks it to “the man” with their delightful comedy.

Fun Dumpster

Graduates of the Crawlspace Theatre Improv classes have formed the ever hilarious, often irreverent, and frequently filthy improv team. This group will craft memorable characters and moments that will leave you wondering if that dumpster even has a bottom. Enjoy the latest in homegrown improv comedy.

Session 1 tickets on sale now!

Catch ROIAL Improv and Fun Dumspter together in Session 1 at the Kalamazoo Improv Fest.